What does a spice cabinet and Medical Chest have in common?

I love cooking…. and being a Doctor! Despite all the enthusiasm for spices, not every [...]

Posidonia 2022

For me the visit of Posidonia ends today.It has been 3 enjoyable days packed with kind and [...]

Norshipping in Oslo

Finally! Since long lasting 2 years of virtual meetings only…  Norshipping in Oslo. Three days full [...]

Healthcare at sea – concepts for success

1) Knowing the environment you‘re dealing with – a deep understanding of what can happen [...]

The Medical Chest on Ships – a Perennial Topic – An interview with Silke Schatzl, the MMS Pharmacist and Advisor

Do you see a need or chance to supplement the mandatory stock of medicines on [...]

Managing and preventing occupational health issues onboard vessels – an Interview with Captain Frank Rädler

Marine Medical Solutions (MMS): MMS is providing telemedical support for Crew on board ships with [...]


Ensuring safety and business continuity in times of uncertainty

The 27th of June has been designated by the United Nations General Assembly as Micro-, [...]

MMS joined Hebei cooperation fair

This year‘s cooperation fair with Hebei took place on May 18th Marine Medical Solutions has [...]

Hygiene plan for Nordstjernen

What a beautiful sailing ship! We are happy that we as MMS could help with [...]

Jens Tülsner, CEO of Marine Medical Solutions talking to Global Business Owners

GBO is an exclusive but relaxed international membership club for entrepreneurs, partners, founders and investors [...]