High quality
medical care at sea will lower your costs
Marine Medical Solutions is your provider for management, consulting and education for medical care in the maritime sector.
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Marine Medical Solutions is your provider for management, consulting and education for medical care in the maritime sector.
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Years of experience in our team
About Marine Medical Solutions
Medicine does not stand still. Just as new procedures in diagnostics and therapy can prolong life and improve quality of life, technical innovations make it possible to bring modern medicine on board ships. We help you to find the right way for you and also take over the management. With years of experience and a steadily growing number of ships in support, we will find the best solution with you.
Global industry leaders
Highly experienced and specialized
Our services
News from Marine Medical Solutions
Compared with health systems and services on land, health and medical services at sea are more of a niche segment. Most people have no personal contact with any kind of medical care at sea in their entire lives. However, this fact does not change the fact that every single aspect of health care is a must. For seafarers and passengers, execution and effectiveness make the difference.
A number of different national and international laws and regulations determine the standard that must be met. These requirements for medical equipment and services at sea are accompanied by increasing standards and expectations. Although a natural sense of responsibility generates the urge to ensure human well-being and safety at sea, the conditions of a maritime environment make it difficult to meet these standards. It is a great challenge to organize an effective system to deal with a large amount of potential health issues. Especially when working with limited resources, space and usually without the possibility of direct support from onshore facilities. If you have up-to-date options and the right attitude, you will be able to meet regulations, expectations and effectiveness all at once.
The first step to an organized and efficient healthcare system on board your ship is to focus on effectiveness. The three main pillars are optimized medical facilities, healthcare professionals or trained staff and an adequate structure and organization to support the whole. It’s not about the sheer volume – it’s more about how operations and management are structured. With our extensive experience in this sector, we are here to help you create added value and save money at the same time to help you become a top employer. There is more to marine medicine than you think!